Dobbelspellen English reviews

My shelfie: The Dice Game


A game for 2 – 4 players
Play time is around 20 minutes
Publisher is Cranio Creations


What’s over there? Your bookshelf, Gilles, with plants, games, books, awards, and cats! Now that each item has its place, will you be able to find it before the others?

Will it be your lucky day, and will you be able to create dice combinations to fill up the spaces in your bookcase? If you manage to fill up a shelf or a column, you block that section to all other players. So grab those dice and get ready to fill those bookshelves!

Setting up the game

Give every player a 1 marker and 1 board placed and place this in front of them, they can write their name in the space provided at the top of the board.

Place the 6 dice in the center of the table, and everybody is ready to roll… oh no, not yet 😁. There needs to be a first player; this can also be indicated on the player board or when you have the first player “upgrade” cat, even better.

Let’s play

Players will have to roll the dice, trying to obtain 1 to 3 combinations to mark the best items on the Bookshelf of their board. At the end of the game, only the horizontal shelves and vertical columns in which you have marked at least three items will earn points.

Watch! A player is able to arrange a needed result within 3 rolls. On each die, there are the following icons indicated:

– Cat
– Book
– Meeple
– Leaf
– Trophy
– Joker

A player board has 5 columns and 5 rows, starting from left to right. The more icons of the same you can roll, the more points you will earn at the end of the game.

When you’re finished, a player will highlight at least one spot on their player board, indicating the outcome of their turn. When a row is completed by you, this is great, but all other players will need to indicate on their player boards that this row can’t be used anymore. When a total of two rows are “completed,” the game will end.

Now it’s important who the first player is because all players can get another turn until it’s the first player’s turn again. This is a very nice idea, especially with kids, so everybody gets the same amount of turns.

Conclusion & final score

Difficulty: 1.00/ 5
Re-playability: 7
Our score: 7 out of 10 dice

It’s a fine and fast game to play with the kids. It’s easy to get it onto the table because of the nice flip box. It has good quality and a sustainable player board with removable markers. It’s colorful and small enough to take with you to entertain the kids at a restaurant or on holiday.

Thanks to Cranio Creations for this review copy and the opportunity to write about it.

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